Year 2005


In the aftermath of World War II, a local girl in a farm village in Japan met a young American serviceman in the occupying forces. When they fell in love, like thousands of other intrepid women, she gave up family and friends for an unknown life as a "war bride." Here is her unforgettable story, told as only it could be by the man for whom she risked all. Brave with them all of society's barbs of prejudice, and the vindictive ploys of a heartless USAF bureaucracy determined to break them up

A Link to the book’s web page is here also stocks the book. Follow this link.


The year 2005 I can’t believe it. The years are going faster and faster. We are planning on a trip to Japan this year. Tsuchino and I will be attending a conference to promote my book.

Tsuchino and I started out the new year by attending a New Year’s eve party with a group of friends. This is the first time in many years that we have gone out on New Year’s eve. Since we came within a hairs breath of losing Tsuchino this fall (see my 2004 Christmas letter for what happened) I wanted to celebrate. Here are pictures.

I have been remiss on keeping this “This Year” page up to date. Tsuchino and I have been very busy. I am now on the board of directors of the Nikkei Heritage Association of Washington. The association is trying to build a Japanese Cultural and Community Center at the location of the Seattle Japanese Language School. I serve as the language school representative to the NHAW. 

The first major event we attended was the Seattle Cherry Blossom and Japanese Cultural Festival, called Sakura Matsuri. I was given a free booth to talk about and sell my book. Unfortunately it was in an out of the way area, beggers can’t be choosey, I guess. Even though, I sold 32 books in two days.

This July we attended the Bon Odori festivals at the Seattle Buddhist temple and the White River Buddhist temple. Naturally I danced all the dances. Here are some pictures.

Out appearance at the conference in Japan was canceled. The woman who was sponsoring me had a family emergency and did not attend the conference so we did not either. Tsuchino and I are still going to Japan at the end of September. We are planning to go to Okinawa and then to visit Okino where we lived right after we were married. We will then go to Fukuoka to visit family.

Miwako our niece and her husband Matt will be visiting us the first week in September. They are traveling from Okinawa to Ohio to visit Matt’s parents. We will get to see how much Andrew has grown. Last time they were here he had not even started to crawl. He is now walking and talking.

Tsuchino and I serve on the Board of Directors of The Seattle Japanese Language School. The board has a program to increase the enrollment in the school. This has kept me very busy lately. We have developed our own language study CD’s and will be producing DVD videos to help the students in their study of Japanese. I am doing the technical work of editing the CD’s and DVD’s We are also setting up a computerized language laboratory. 

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