Slide Shows


In the aftermath of World War II, a local girl in a farm village in Japan met a young American serviceman in the occupying forces. When they fell in love, like thousands of other intrepid women, she gave up family and friends for an unknown life as a "war bride." Here is her unforgettable story, told as only it could be by the man for whom she risked all. Brave with them all of society's barbs of prejudice, and the vindictive ploys of a heartless USAF bureaucracy determined to break them up

A Link to the book’s web page is here also stocks the book. Follow this link.


This page contains slide shows that I made using my video editing software. The files are actually Windows Media Video files. The building of these slide shows is an ongoing process and as I learn more about how to use the video editing software I am improving the existing slide shows as well as adding new ones. I will try to add the date of each of the slide shows. Check the date shown against the date you last looked for possible updates. Each slide show runs for less than 3 minutes.

After the Conference in Beppu we took a trip to Nagasaki. The link here is for a slide show made from pictures taken during that trip (11/1/02)

Nagasaki Trip

While at the 4th International Marriage Conference we toured the City of Beppu. Beppu is famous for its hot springs. Here are some pictures of Beppu. (11/14/02)

Beppu Slide Show

This slide show contains pictures of our time at Berkeley. Tsuchino and I were at Berkeley from the Summer of 1972 to the Summer of 1973. I was studying for my Masters Degree in Civil Engineering. While there we meet and became good friends with Kaoru and Katsuhisa Sato. This friendship has survived to this day. Unfortunately Katsu died in January of 2002. Prior to that him and his wife often visited us here in America. (11/14/02)

Berkeley Slide Show

This slide show contains old family pictures. I am currently in the middle of a long term project to scan all our old pictures into the computer. Many of the pictures are almost 50 years old and time is taking its toll. By putting them in a digital form I can correct some of the effects of this aging and of course once they are digital they will no longer deteriorate. The slides shown here are in no special order and cover a period of over 40 years. (11/14/02)

Old Family Photos Slide Show

Okino Erabu Shima is where Tsuchino and I spent the first years after we were married. I have found some old black and white negatives. The deterioration of these pictures was severe. Several of them were washed out and when I first scanned them I couldn’t make out anything. Unbelievably I was able to bring out details using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Some of the pictures are pretty rough but viewable. Click the link below to see them.

Okino Slide Show - Black and White Pictures

The link below has some color slides that I took on Okino

Okino Slide Show - Color Pictures



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