

In the aftermath of World War II, a local girl in a farm village in Japan met a young American serviceman in the occupying forces. When they fell in love, like thousands of other intrepid women, she gave up family and friends for an unknown life as a "war bride." Here is her unforgettable story, told as only it could be by the man for whom she risked all. Brave with them all of society's barbs of prejudice, and the vindictive ploys of a heartless USAF bureaucracy determined to break them up

A Link to the book’s web page is here

Amazon.com also stocks the book. Follow this link.


Tsuchino and I sure enjoy our leisure time. Now that we are retired we have more time to spend with our hobbies and leisure pursuits

Tsuchino loves gardening. She was born on a farm in Kasuga-machi just outside of Fukuoka in Japan. I guess the old saying that you can take the girl out of the farm but you can’t take the farm out of the girl is true in Tsuchino’s case. She can grow anything. She truly has a “green thumb”

Her other interest is in doing volunteer work. Prior to her hip surgery she volunteered one day a week at the Seattle Keiro Nursing Home. The Keiro Nursing home is a Japanese Skilled Nursing facility that was started by Nikkei Concerns. I caters to elderly Japanese who can not longer take care of themselves at home. She did this volunteer work while working full time at our software business.

Currently Tsuchino belongs to several Japanese organizations. She is the treasurer of The Japanese Community Services of Seattle, better know as Nikkei Jin Kai. She is also the vice president of The Japanese International Marriage Association

She is the past president, having served 8 years as president and 2 as vice president, of Kisaragi-kai. Kisaragi-kai is a Japanese woman’s organization that does community service in the Seattle area.

I have several hobbies. Tsuchino claims that they all are expensive. According to her if it cost a lot of money I want to try it.

My first love is flying. I learned to fly in Alaska and for many years had my own airplane. I have a Commercial Pilots license and I am rated in Airplanes and Helicopters. I have an Instrument rating as well as a multiengine rating.

I am also a rated Flight Instructor qualified to teach Airplanes, Instrument Flying, as well as helicopters. I also have an Aircraft and Power plant Mechanics license. I guess you can see that flying is in my blood.

My second hobby is boating. Until recently I had a 28 foot Bayliner Classic. I have a great page of pictures taken from the boat showing the beauty of the Puget Sound area. Be sure to visit it using the links below.

Finally computers have become a hobby. I have been spending a lot of time doing video editing for various of Tsuchino’s social groups.

I have an Electrical Engineering Degree in Computer Engineering from Columbia University so for many years computers were work. Tsuchino and I ran a computer software company for almost 25 years and I spent a lot of time programming computers. Because of my computer skills I was always being asked to supply computer services to the various woman’s groups Tsuchino belonged to. It was natural that this would continue after I retired. Now it is much more pleasant without deadlines and constant worry about legal liability.

Finally I am in the process of writing a book about my life with a Japanese War Bride. You can down load a preliminary copy using the link below. The book has not been edited for errors and is still pretty rough, so be forewarned. I have some people whose opinions I value reading the book and hope to have it finished before the year is out. If you read it send me your thoughts via the e-mail link on the first page. The book is in PDF format so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  * Boating Pictures

  * Japanese International Marriage Society Pictures

  * Kisaragi-kai Pictures

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